Friday, January 29, 2010


37 years ago the government made it ok to kill babies from day one (conception) until they are born, whenever that might be. Abortion is legal all 9 months. It's perfectly ok to kill babies that are over 7 pounds and fully developed, as long as one foot is still inside the mother. Two of my children were born at 8 months. George Tiller would've killed them for $5000. That's progress?

My ex sister-in-law had a baby at 26 weeks gestation. Baby is 5 now. She could've killed her for about a thousand bucks. Why? When she got sick and was suffering from Pre-eclamsia the baby was delivered and spent a few months in an incubator. So because she wanted the baby, the baby was saved. If she didn't want the baby, it's no longer a baby and just a cancer or sore and killed in the womb. Why? If a woman is sick, why kill the baby? She can remove the baby and both of them can live, there's no need for an abortion to "save the mother's life". We have the technology to save the baby. The woman can walk away and never needs to see that baby again. Why pay to kill it?

I'm against abortion for all nine months because I don't believe in "magic" babies, that it's a baby only when a mother decides it a person. That's insane. But Roe vs. Wade made it legal to kill fully formed babies that can live outside the mother. I believe the Nazi's made it legal to kill fully formed people that they decided weren't human as well. And at one time it was ok to kill a black person as long as you owned him. Why should one person have the ability to decide when another person is human and kill that person at will?

Abortion is the fight over a woman's right to her womb and a baby's right to her life. Does a woman's wish to empty her womb trump a baby's right to live? Remember, a woman is not forced to raise the baby, keep the baby, change her life in any way after the baby is born. The way things are, a fetus must grow for a period of time inside a woman, that's just the facts. The woman may not like it but once she becomes pregnant, does she really have the right to kill that baby because she doesn't feel like sharing her womb for a few months? Like it or not, she's killing a human with a unique DNA, a heartbeat, and brain waves. It is a human, even when it's not able to live outside the womb. Does she really have the right to kill another human just because she feels like it, because it's a burden? Think about what this fight is really about. It's a human rights issue, not a religious or moral one, it's murder that's allowed and encouraged.

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