Saturday, January 30, 2010

8 Steps to fixing your Household Economic Budget crisis.

Using the Barack Obama Method.

Step 1: When your wife tells you that your expenses exceed your income, tell her that you’ll look for some spending cuts. After giving the budget a once over, ask her if she’s prepared to give up her water and power.

Step 2: Immediately go out and open up all the credit cards you can before you’re reported to the credit bureau. Max out the store cards first before your credit score drops. Purchase a bunch of necessary items like big screen TVs and furniture. Ask for an extension on your cards once they are maxed out. Pay a few of the bills slowly and eventually only pay the minimum payment. Tell the creditor you’ll pay more next month when things get better. Tell your wife this will stimulate you to make more money and will actually increase your income. When your wife complains that the bills are now larger, tell her you had to do something to stop this speeding train and did she want to just sit there and do nothing and go broke?

Step 3: When the creditors come to your door, asking to be paid, and your wife comes to get you, tell her everything will be ok. While she’s in the bedroom, sneak into her bag and pay the creditor from some money from her wallet, promising to send a check in the mail. Tell your wife you took care of it.

Step. 4: When your wife comes to you upset that all her money is gone from her wallet, get incensed and tell her it’s her ex-husbands fault, who’s a looser and a bum, and that it's his fault that you are all in this situation. Then ask her parents for a loan.

Step 5: Give your friends a blank check for their businesses without checking out their books or asking them what they plan to do with the money. Tell your wife you expect to make great returns on these investments which will increase your savings. When she comes to you upset because they spent all the money on porn and beer, ask a few of them to come over and, while she’s watching, yell at them with strong words. When she’s not looking shake your head to let your friends know you don’t really mean it. Bonus: Follow this up with a sternly worded letter that you show your wife. Meet up with your friends at Hooters and laugh at the letter over some beer.

Step 6: Ask your friends to invest in the local dilapidated drive in theater that no one wants and has been revamped many times by other investors and been a great failure. When your wife asks you how this will increase your income tell her there are thousands of people who don’t get a chance to watch movies at an affordable price. Then accuse her of being mean and call her a racist and ask her why she doesn't want poor people watching movies. When your friends don’t want to invest in the theater, threaten their wives or bribe them with more porn and beer.

Step 7: When your wife asks you why certain bills haven’t been paid or why you’ve bought more items from QVC with the credit card that is overdrawn, respond with lengthy and wordy monologues. Make sure to use big words. Repeat the words “cuts”, “budget”, “deficit neutral”, and “spending freeze” over and over again, and then tell her she just doesn‘t understand. When she looks puzzled, ask her why she wants to stop you from fixing the problem and arrogantly lecture her on her lack of participation. Then, tell her how stressful it is to find a solution. Make sure to let her know, over and over again, how you really don’t want to do this but you’re willing to work all night if you have to to find some answers. Go to a strip club with your friends and ponder the state of the world. Bring lots of singles.

Step 8: When they come to foreclose on your house and repo your car, make sure you have a secret stash of money for yourself that is hidden. Look sad and despondent and repeat over and over again "I don’t know how this happened." When your wife is left with no house or car, standing there with her new husband, hold your head up high and say you did the best you could. Vacation in the Caribbean with your friends and drink lots of beer.

Friday, January 29, 2010

What They Don’t Tell You

September 26, 2004

In 1973, it was deemed by the United States Supreme Court that it was unconstitutional to prevent physicians from providing abortions as a “health” service to women because it was believed that modern science made them “relatively safe”. Every federal, state, and local law regulating or restricting abortion was struck down.1

1.5 million abortions are performed in the US per year, making it the most common surgery in the nation.# Many studies have been conducted since this ruling regarding the physical complications of abortion and it’s effect on a woman’s short term and long-term health. National statistics show that 10% of women who have had induced abortions suffer from immediate complications. 2% of them, or 30,000 women, fall under the category of major. Immediate major complications include infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury, and endotoxic shock. And last but not least, death.2

But what about the long-term effects of abortion, the dangers that exist months, even years, after the abortion is performed? In the 30 plus years since abortion was made legal in the United States, a multitude of studies have shown distressing dangers. There have been a number of links between abortion and several cancers including breast, cervical, ovarian and liver. Due to uterine perforations and cervical lacerations, many women who’ve had induced abortions have difficult carrying future pregnancy’s to term and have trouble during labor. 23% of women who have chlamydia at the time of their elective abortions and 5% of those who do not develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) within 4 weeks. And all of these risks increase with multiple abortions, and for those obtaining abortions in later trimesters.# Another danger on the abortion forefront is the use of the FDA approved mifepristone, better known as RU-486, in conjunction with misoprostol.


What is RU-486? According to

RU-486 is the name commonly used for an artificial steroid that blocks progesterone, a hormone needed to continue a pregnancy... When taken alone, RU-486 causes a complete abortion only about 60% of the time. A second drug, a prostaglandin, is given 48 hours later to increase its effectiveness. The prostaglandin causes uterine contractions to help expel the embryo. Misoprostol (brand name Cytotec) is the prostaglandin used with RU-486 in the U.S. 3

In August 2000 Michael Cullen, MD, Medical Director at Searle, the manufacturer of Cytotec, wrote a letter to the FDA. In it, Dr. Cullen reminded the FDA “Cytotec was not approved for the induction of labor or abortion.” He goes on to say: "Serious adverse events reported following off-label use of Cytotec in pregnant women include maternal or fetal death; uterine hyperstimulation, rupture or perforation requiring uterine surgical repair, hysterectomy or salpingo-oophorectomy; amniotic fluid embolism; severe vaginal bleeding, retained placenta, shock, fetal bradycardia and pelvic pain. He establishes that Searle cannot “provide complete risk information” since the drug was not intended to be used for abortion purposes.4

Despite this warning, on September 28, 2000, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved mifepristone, and the accompanying drug misoprostol, under an accelerated drug-approval process normally intended for drugs as treatments for life-threatening illnesses such as HIV/AIDS.5 As of November 2003, at least four women have died from this combination, 13 required blood transfusions due to excessive blood loss, and in 5-8% of cases it caused severe complications.5 In US trials 99% of women who have used RU-486 have had at least one adverse effect ranging from abdominal pains, headaches, dizziness, viral infections, and uterine hemorrhaging, just to name a few. Of those, 23% were judged to be severe.6

These dangers are unknown by unsuspecting women due to the lack of requirements by the FDA. Unlike in France, where there is a required week after an initial visit before a woman is prescribed the pills, a return to the physicians office 48 hours later for misoprostol, and a follow up visit, the FDA only requires that a woman is “counseled” and sign forms, and that she is given medical phone numbers in case of complications.7 That is simply irresponsible, and unnecessarily dangerous.


28 out of 37 studies published worldwide, 13 out of 15 in the United States, report an increased risk in breast cancer among women with a history of induced abortions.8 A study funded by the US National Cancer Institute found induced abortion alone could increase the risk of breast cancer in women; for women with a family history of breast cancer that risk increased to 80%. In this study of 1800 women, family history of breast cancer in conjunction with an induced abortion before the age of 18 guaranteed the onset of breast cancer; 12 out of 12 women developed breast cancer before the age of 45.8

There are two indisputable factors for breast cancer. The first has to do with a woman’s exposure to estrogen and the second are the types of lobules, and their maturation, present in a woman’s breast. Immature Type 1 (prepubescent) and 2 (pubescent) lobules are where cancer cells are formed.9 These lobules are more susceptible to cancer by the presence of estrogen. When a woman carries a pregnancy to full term (32 weeks or more) these lobules mature to Type 3 (reproductive) and then Type 4 (lactation), which are resistant to carcinogens. This maturation protects a woman and lowers her risk of breast cancer.9

Within a few days of conception a woman’s estrogen level rises; by the end of the first trimester her levels have increased by 2000%. This, in turn, increases the amount of Type 1 and 2 lobules. Unless a pregnancy continues past 32 weeks, the increased number of immature lobules will not mature into Type 3 and 4.9

A study in 1970, widely accepted in the medical world, notes that an early first term pregnancy can greatly reduce the risk of breast cancer.8 This is because the earlier the lobules mature into Type 3 and 4, the less chance there is for Types 1 and 2 to become cancerous. Abortion affects this process in many ways. When a woman ends a pregnancy before the maturation of her breasts take place, she is left with an increased number of Type 1 and 2 lobules, which are in turn exposed to more estrogen through future menstrual cycles. In addition, the pregnancy itself increases the level of estrogen present in her body, making these lobules more susceptible to the formation of cancer cells.9

It is important that physicians inform a woman contemplating abortion about the risk factors in regard to breast cancer. First, she is removing the positive effects of a first full term pregnancy, which matures the lobules in the breast thus helping to prevent breast cancer in the future. Second, she is increasing her chances of cancer cells forming, possibly by 50-100% depending on her age and family history.

In conclusion, my research has shown that one of the biggest dangers facing women who have an elective abortion is her lack of knowledge. The government has very few requirements and regulations when it comes to informing women of the immediate and long-term dangers. While many clinics offering abortion services do counsel and inform, as well as suggest and promote follow up visits, they do so by their own conscience. Regulations insure the health and safety of those who are receiving surgery, in all manners of medicine. Why is abortion under separate rules? My research suggests that partisan politics and fear of anti-abortion legislation leading to the overturning of Roe vs. Wade clouds the minds of those who are elected to help and protect women. There is no excuse for sacrificing our health. Especially in cases like RU-486, where there are a lack of FDA regulations, or in the medical community, where many have turned a blind eye to the 28 studies that show a direct link between Abortion and Breast Cancer. Americans must stand up and demand equal treatment in ALL medical procedures, abortion included. Only then can abortion be deemed “relatively safe.”


1. Reardon, D. (1990). Elliot Institute. The Aftereffects of Abortion. Retrieved on September 16, 2004 from

2. Reardon, D. (1997). Elliot Institute A LIST OF MAJOR PHYSICAL SEQUELAE RELATED TO ABORTION. Retrieved on September 16, 2004 from

3. (n.d.). What is RU-486?. Retrieved on September 17, 2004 from

4. Cullen, M. Searle. (2000. August 23). Letter to the United States Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved on September 12,2004 from

5. Seckora, Melissa. (2001. February 7). National Review Online. Making America Safe for RU-486. Retrieved on September 12, 2004 from

6. (n.d.). Side Effects. 2004. September 17.

7. American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2003. November 6). Reps. DeMint, Bartlett and Sen. Brownback Introduce ‘Holly’s Law’. Retrieved September 14, 2004 from

8. American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2002. April 24). Induced abortion and the Subsequent Risk of Breast Cancer. Retrieved September 14, 2004 from

9. Breast Cancer Prevention Institute. (n.d.). Fact Sheet. Retrieved September 16, 2004 from

37 years ago the government made it ok to kill babies from day one (conception) until they are born, whenever that might be. Abortion is legal all 9 months. It's perfectly ok to kill babies that are over 7 pounds and fully developed, as long as one foot is still inside the mother. Two of my children were born at 8 months. George Tiller would've killed them for $5000. That's progress?

My ex sister-in-law had a baby at 26 weeks gestation. Baby is 5 now. She could've killed her for about a thousand bucks. Why? When she got sick and was suffering from Pre-eclamsia the baby was delivered and spent a few months in an incubator. So because she wanted the baby, the baby was saved. If she didn't want the baby, it's no longer a baby and just a cancer or sore and killed in the womb. Why? If a woman is sick, why kill the baby? She can remove the baby and both of them can live, there's no need for an abortion to "save the mother's life". We have the technology to save the baby. The woman can walk away and never needs to see that baby again. Why pay to kill it?

I'm against abortion for all nine months because I don't believe in "magic" babies, that it's a baby only when a mother decides it a person. That's insane. But Roe vs. Wade made it legal to kill fully formed babies that can live outside the mother. I believe the Nazi's made it legal to kill fully formed people that they decided weren't human as well. And at one time it was ok to kill a black person as long as you owned him. Why should one person have the ability to decide when another person is human and kill that person at will?

Abortion is the fight over a woman's right to her womb and a baby's right to her life. Does a woman's wish to empty her womb trump a baby's right to live? Remember, a woman is not forced to raise the baby, keep the baby, change her life in any way after the baby is born. The way things are, a fetus must grow for a period of time inside a woman, that's just the facts. The woman may not like it but once she becomes pregnant, does she really have the right to kill that baby because she doesn't feel like sharing her womb for a few months? Like it or not, she's killing a human with a unique DNA, a heartbeat, and brain waves. It is a human, even when it's not able to live outside the womb. Does she really have the right to kill another human just because she feels like it, because it's a burden? Think about what this fight is really about. It's a human rights issue, not a religious or moral one, it's murder that's allowed and encouraged.