Thursday, October 16, 2008

(originally written on Friday, October 10, 2008)

Well, two things happened today that will ensure I get a good night sleep. With all the turmoil in the world, I’ve some trouble settling down at night. There are still terrorists out there wanting to slip into my house and slit the throats of my family, and then there are the terrorists that just want to blow everything up. There’s a financial disaster that has spread around the world, and the answer in my country is to violate every part of the Constitution that founded this nation and implement fascism by purchasing banks, not to mention the taxpayer funded bribery bill…sorry, I mean bailout bill that cost 700 billion dollars. (I didn’t even know I had $700billion lying around. Oh, did I tell you I own a part of AIG? Got it for a steal? Should start to see returns on it in a few decades. I’ll take you out to Red Lobster as soon as the windfall comes in.) Anyway, this is on top of all the other emotional things that arise when there’s an election. So again, you can see why I’ve been restless.

But tonight, tonight my friends, I can sleep well. Because today, the most important issues of the day, of the decade really, have been laid to rest. The worry that has been bubbling just on the periphery of my mind but I just couldn’t allow myself to focus on because it was too great of a cause has been tackled and justice has won handily. Whatever may happen with these other issues takes a back seat for I want to bask in the glory of the moment when at last, the world is aligned. At least for today, two wrongs have been righted. At least, for today, gay couples in Connecticut can legally get married and finally, GOD! finally that awful Sarah Palin will pay for not firing but asking that commissioner to change positions up in Alaska! I cannot tell you how long I have been waiting for these two things to be addressed! How many waking hours have been spent wondering, contemplating, the horror of living in a state where you have to get up every day, go to work, eat, play, pay bills, live your life, and for each of those moments the government of Connecticut is not recognizing your love! I know, I know, for all those years we were told that marriage is for losers, is unnecessary, or in the immortal words of Bon Jovi “I don’t need no preacher to tell me you’re mine” but apparently we were just stupid heterosexuals. It was all a joke. Marriage is THE thing now days, well, if you’re gay. Not if you’re straight. If you’re straight it’s still all the rage to live in sin and have babies out of wedlock. But if you’re gay, well let me tell you it’s just IMPOSSIBLE to get thru a MORNING without the state recognizing your love. I know the feeling well. I find it hard to even write this without doing an internet search to see if anything in my life is recognized by the state. Anyway, with everything going on, I’m just so happy the State of Connecticut took it upon themselves to solve this all so important dilemma.

As for the other, I think that damn Sarah Palin has been getting away with this corruption and abuse long enough! I mean while she was thinking of personal problems while talking to her employees she was also Ways and Means Committee Chairman writing IRS tax laws and lying on her taxes, as well as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee during the worst financial crisis we’ve ever had while her campaign received numerous kickbacks from Fannie and Freddie, AND she also served as Chairman of the
Senate Banking Committee while getting kickbacks and being Fannie and Freddie’s number 1 campaign recipient! I’m just glad they rushed to investigate her so quickly!! During these perilous times, it makes me feel good to know that our resources, and the focus of the media, is on the people in the government who are committing acts of corruption and fraud, and who are abusing their power. The public servants such as governors, senators, and members of congress work for us and are to be held accountable and to a higher standard. And in this perilous time it’s so heartening to know that the wheels of justice are swift and furious. This heinous act (not so much the threat of firing a commissioner that she didn’t get along with and she had every right to fire but the demand that he stop being such a jerk) is appalling and should be sanctioned at every opportunity. I believe that every employer should be forced to work with anyone they don’t like, especially holdovers of the prior administration. It’s sad that she was found not guilty of actually doing anything wrong, just guilty of possibly thinking of the wrong thing when she lawfully executed her lawful right to ask an employee to change positions because he didn’t fit in the one he was in and was an ass, refused, and then resigned when in fact she had the lawful right to actually fire said employee for any reason such as, oh, I don’t know, wearing white shoes after Labor Day. And that her husband, the bastard, had the gall to talk on the phone in her office to the commissioner and ask him to maybe, if he had the time, ask one of his guys to please stop trying to kill his father-in-law. I am ecstatic that so much time and energy was spent investigating what was already being investigated and that such a thorough job was completed so quickly! And by a panel of bipartisan people who have absolutely no power whatsoever but sure can yell real loud! And that the media was right there for every moment!

Because without them, I might have missed that fact that it was actually Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel who is the Ways and Means Committee Chairman that lied on his taxes and has yet to be investigated and is in fact still the chairman, that it is Democrat Rep. Barney Frank who was, and still is, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and has yet to be investigated, and that it is Democrat Senator Chris Dodd who was, and still is, Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and has yet to be investigated.

But I have faith in our Country. I know that all of these issues will be taken care of and all of these people will be investigated. Eventually. There were just more important things to do first. And I for one will sleep well knowing that at least we have our priorities straight.

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