Sunday, December 21, 2008


Isn’t that wonderful? I was very worried about my personal representative from central Texas, Chet Edwards, and the rest of those in Congress, who’ve sacrificed so much for the people of this country. Many of them are living below the poverty line, from pay check to pay check, never sure when their next meal is coming. I mean, these men and women are heroes who have done without for far too long. I’m so disappointed that they’re only getting a cost of living increase; personally I believe these selfless martyrs should get a 50% increase for their service. Without their plethora of wisdom, who knows what kind of an economic mess we’d be in. I know I’M doing just peachy keen, and expect things, at least financially, to just get better and better. The government is bailing me out of crunches left and right, money is falling into my hands like leaves off a tree, and I have WAY too many pots to piss in. Suddenly, I’m like Brewster’s Millions with no IDEA how to spend what I have. It’s not like I’m cutting off everything that can possibly be called a “luxury”, like magazines, cable, credit cards, home care, gas, food, toilet paper, you know, extravagant items like that. No, my family isn’t preparing for a possible depression, or budgeting like never before. No, I’m giving myself a pay raise, because I have that kind of power.

I hope to the Lord above that you, the reader, are able to decipher sarcasm through the written word, because that entire paragraph was nothing but. I was horrified when I read about this. Those liars, cheats, and thieves in Congress have the AUDACITY to raise their own income while they preach to us, the “little people” in the private sector, on what our executives should do to better manage their businesses. Those sycophants in Washington, who claimed we had a “crisis” of epic proportions on a Monday in October, like a fire that was burning thru Malibu, but then took Wednesday and Thursday off for the Jewish Holidays, has the cojones to tell their constituents that even though they, the “people”, are suffering with pay freezes and pink slips, the government should just go on like business as usual. How many firemen fight a blaze about to harm millions of people only to turn off the water for a couple of days to observe some religious occasion? Cause the police and fire departments are closed on Christmas, right? Those DO NOTHINGS on the hill caused our country to spiral out of control, have single handedly destroyed the greatest capitalist nation on Gods green Earth, and then decide “You know what will really help out those lives we’ve destroyed? Giving ourselves more money so we can work even harder, maybe even 4 days a WEEK, to come up with long winded speeches and superficial gestures of grandeur like yelling at CEO’s that we go golf with later that afternoon! YES! THAT’S what’s REALLY the problem; it’s not giving loans to people who can’t pay them back, or handing bailout money to our buddies, or continuing to employ the people who lie and cheat who, surprise, surprise, keep on lying and cheating. No, the REAL problem here is that we, the Congress, who’ve made all the mistakes, aren’t getting enough money. THAT’S what was missing!” I’m so disgusted with America. We’ve become nothing more than a joke. Our system of government is gone, the Constitution is dead, and the people have no power. We are quickly becoming the new Rome (which fell, if you didn’t hear), except they were around for 1500 years, we only lasted 250. America is a thing of the past, at least how we think of her. I don’t know what to call us now, but the people in charge are grabbing what they can before the crap hits the fan, and those of us who just live and work and try to raise a family without stealing from everyone around us (lets call them “citizens”) are the ones who are going to pay.

Remember: Money talks and Bullshit walks. The people who’ve destroyed us, like Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd, Rep. Charlie Rangel, Pres. Bush, Sec. Paulson, Chris Cox, etc. will keep their jobs or have more than enough money and power to live well, travel, and take care of their kids. Those bastards will continue to steal as much as they can before we collapse. And hardworking, honest people like myself, my neighbors, my family, and you will suffer with job losses, food shortages, a dollar that has no worth, investment losses, savings and retirement gone, home foreclosures, repossession, bankruptcy, etc. and we will be called irresponsible, lazy, worthless, weak, and trash. WE will be on the street, desperate for shelter and food, while the thieves will look at us, the commoners, as stupid and pathetic because we won’t steal, or exploit, or deceive, or sell our soul to the devil.

What a country!