Thursday, November 20, 2008
We are officially living in a parallel universe, a bizarro world, an alternative dimension. Call it what you will, but this is no longer planet earth, and definitely no longer America.
I watched a portion of Bill Ayers' breathlessly anticipated speech at the All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington on Nov. 17 where he compared FOX News to the government run media in the ficticious city Oceania in George Orwell's 1984. Here is his entire quote:
“The great lie that’s been perpetrated…that somehow I’ve been a violent person…all of it false, and I couldn’t find a way to interrupt the demonization. There were times when I felt like that wonderful moment in George Orwell’s 1984 called the 2 minutes of hate where they would cast Emmanuel Goldstein image up on the screen and the party faithful would chant, "Kill him." The only thing is Gorge Orwell had quite an imagination but he couldn’t imagine FOX News I mean….who would imagine such a thing, 24/7…2 minutes hate forget about it, it’s hate all the time.”
Yes, this “elementary education theorist”, this great professor from Chicago University believes that FOX News is similar to the lie infested, utopian media from the brilliant book 1984. I once believed that the title professor meant something. Recently, however, I’ve found that in order to be a professor at our nations leading colleges one doesn’t need anything more than a radical point of view and friends in the right places. A little bit of daddy’s money doesn’t hurt either. In fact, colleges are the favorite hiding places for the domestic terrorists from the 1960’s and 70’s who were never put in prison and laid low on their parents money or in Europe until things quieted down.
However, this man is worse than the rest. As many of you know, although a good majority of Americans still do not, Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, which bombed a number of buildings during the 1960s and 1970s. Just take a look at the flippant way the media, Wikipedia, and Ayers himself disregards the fact that this included the pentagon, NY City police headquarters and the United States Capitol Building. He freely admits that he formed the Weather Underground, admits he placed these bombs, but says they were small bombs, itsy-bitsy really, and he didn’t set out to kill anyone. Apparently if the bomb is small, and it was the 60’s, and it wasn’t an abortion clinic, and you aren’t a Christian, and it was done in the name of “protesting the war” than setting bombs on federal buildings does not make you dangerous or a terrorist. Also, you never have to define how setting bombs actually stops the war. That was “the past”. Kind of like “the good old days” only instead of playing stick ball in the street it’s playing with nails and a timer. Ayers and the media have redefined the meaning of the words terrorist, violent, and dangerous. And hey, he escaped jail time right? Well, that was mostly because of a technicality, not to mention the fact that his father was a gazillionaire and had ties to people that only those living in Chicago had ties to, if you get my drift.
Re-read his quote carefully. It goes in tandem with what he said on Good Morning America the Friday before, relating to an article that was written, and brought to the American forefront with great exaggeration by Obama in the third debate, where at a Palin rally, when she mentioned Obama “palling around with terrorists”, someone allegedly shouted “Kill Him”. Later, that story was quietly retracted and proved to be false, but Ayers is referencing it here as though it is true. Why not, none of his audience watches FOX, reads alternative new sources, or listens to talk radio so how would they know it’s been retracted, right?
As a refresher, 1984 is a book every high school student used to have to read in order to make them understand and appreciate the freedoms we have here in America and what Utopian society and an over intrusive Big Brother can do to civilization. The entire quote by Ayers is the definition of irony. NBC just released a DVD entitled “Yes We Can” which is a drooling documentary about Barack Obama. The Project for Excellence in Journalism (hardly a right wing think tank) notes that FOX had the most balanced coverage of the candidates with 40% being negative towards McCain and 40% negative towards Obama. How exactly is this Orwellian? THIS is the great government run media machine? And over at MSNBC they had 73% positive stories on Obama and only 26% negative. PEJ stated that in the press overall Obama’s coverage was 36% vs. 29% positive/negative. For McCain overall it was 14% positive vs. 57% negative. And let me remind you, at FOX news, it was 40/40. Only on FOX News did people get more than just bumper sticker talking points and feel good messages. The comment by Ayers is so ironic because he is saying that FOX News is representative of the Orwellian media which is information given to the masses in small bits and only at the governments approval. The media exists in “1984” only to propagandize what Big Brother wants the people to believe, think, and feel. The consumer gets only enough information to use to justify their feelings and their mind fills in the blanks. They are led to feel enraged (as in the 2 Minutes of Hate) based on whomever the leader deems is the enemy at hand with no information and no ability to get any information, and the people are sheep with no ability to think, feel, or act for themselves. And the person being slandered has no recourse because Big Brother owns the media and the victim has no way to reach the people.
So Bill Ayers is the victim here, and FOX News is the evil media outlet being driven by the evil Republicans (but I guess they try to hide it within their 24/7 hours of hate by attacking the Republicans 40% of the time) and with no information whatsoever (according to him), his face is flashed on the screen and like sheep, the watchers of FOX (and listeners of talk radio) absorb the hate. Of course the viewers of MSNBC get no alternative information at all, and without FOX News we wouldn’t even know about Obama’s connection to the Wood’s foundation or what he did with the fifty million dollars given by the Annenberg foundation or that Ayers did host a political coming out get together for Obama at his home and that maybe many people would like to know these things about their future President. The irony is this: it’s NBC who has an owner who is also the owner of GE, who funds the EPA in Washington and is the pusher of the global warming scare, and is the maker of all the global warming necessities, and has been given $130 billion in government bailout money, and NBC and her affiliates, including MSNBC, are supposed to be members of the Free Press News yet release a DVD honoring the newly elected President, and yet somehow it’s FOX News, the only station that mentioned Obama’s connections to Bill Ayers, that is the government run propaganda machine.
Yes, Ayers has no outlet, he is demonized with no way to set the record straight, and FOX is Orwellian for giving out all the information about a candidates past and naming names in a financial scandal rather than that nice MSNBC who has kind things to say about Mr. Ayers’ friends who just happen to be the candidate running and the guys ones over in Washington who still have their jobs in Congress and whose names would still be a mystery. Yes Bill, its FOX News that scares me. Because we all know, George Orwell believed the real danger was people having TOO much information.
Monday, November 10, 2008
HAVE FAITH IN NO MAN! That is the message of the US Constitution. All men are corruptible, driven by greed and competition, and when power is in their hands, they can't be trusted.
The US Constitution is quite possibly the most perfect document ever written. Why, because of its imperfection and ability for correction. The Founding Fathers knew that man’s greatest enemy was man himself. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. King George of Britain was the embodiment of destructive, abusive, oppressive power. It was his horrific treatment of the colonies that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. In 1787, the Constitution was conceived, instituting the promises made in the Declaration of limited power and securing the rights that all men are created equal. The Forefathers knew that even they were corruptible and in a precarious position: now they were the men in charge who could either make the changes that would affect future generations to come or take advantage of the roles they were thrust into and grab the power they held. They knew that at any moment they could become the very monsters they had just fought, so they sought to construct a document that would address every conceivable loophole that would be attacked by mans greed.
The idea was that when you had limited power spread out among different branches, no branch being more powerful than the other, and you added the free press as a watchdog, the people would then have the ultimate power over the government. In the end, it would be THE PEOPLE who would have the most power. Man is fallible. That’s a given. No matter the man, no matter his ideology, he can be corrupted. Remember, have faith in no man, that’s the message. Limit the power of the federal government because the people can’t trust them. When the government has power and money, no matter who’s in charge, they will eventually become addicted, and that addiction will lead to corruption and oppression in order to keep it. This is the way of man; the writers had seen it firsthand. That’s why the Constitution was written the way it was, to avoid that. This depended on a number of things. First, that the branches of government stayed separate. This would be hard, and probably the first to go. They knew eventually Congressmen would get Judges to do their bidding and vice versa. That’s why there’s the Press, to keep the People informed and the Representatives on their toes. The Fathers knew men would be weak and cave, and that the three branches would break laws and play dirty. So the writers made sure that the politicians would have the newsmen watching them, and the politicians would have to let them stay around because they needed them in order to be re-elected. From this point forward, leadership wasn’t a divine right. Anyone could become a Representative, a Senator, a Governor, or even President. The politician could be cast aside, fired, or thrown out of office. The Press was their enemy, yes, and yet they were cunning enough to make sure that the government would have to use them. So the press competed amongst themselves for the story and even if one or two were paid off by a politician another one came and got the story. The politicians hated the Press but had to keep them around because they needed the media to get elected. Even though the Press was the enemy they had access to secrets the government kept from the People. The Press was the link between the government, their practices, and the PEOPLE. The free press was to use the natural aggression of man to compete among themselves for the story, and that competition would keep each other honest instead of what we have now, in the tank for one side or the other. Each newsman was out for the story, out for the scandal, out to make a name for himself, and that was what kept them honest. It was brilliant. Limited government, and a free press to report to the People on what was happening so those who became corrupt could be thrown out of office. The Press reported, the People knew the truth, and the corrupt would be let go. That’s how America worked, and it did work. It was the only way to keep a moral government.
All of this depended on an intelligent People, an informed electorate, and an interested Press intent on getting the story and keeping the government honest. Without that, capitalism won’t work. We’ve drifted so far from 225 years ago that we can’t even relate to the oppression of yesteryear. To most Americans, they’re just characters in a book. The country’s too large, and the voting population is too young, uneducated, and uninformed. Our youth is indoctrinated by our schools with misinformation. Children graduate high school not even knowing how to read. All it takes to vote is to reach the age of 18 and be a citizen. Our leaders lie to us, extort money, and break every rule that the Constitution warned us about. Without the safeguards the Constitution put into place, this is why we have the chaos that exists. This country wasn’t founded on the idea that homeless people with park benches as addresses getting the privileged to vote. It was about moral, intelligent, well-informed people, who cared about this country going out there, working to make a living and offering up their services as voters, public servants, or newsmen.