Wednesday, October 29, 2008

McCain campaign accuses LA TIMES of 'suppressing' Obama video...

So Trent Lott makes a toast at a dinner for Strom Thurmond and is forced to resign his seat in Congress because some interpret his remarks to possibly be racist. But Obama attends a dinner where he praises Rashid Khalidi, a mouthpiece of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and at this same party a number of the attendees speak about Israel being a terrorist country and such, is even friends with this man, and we now know that a newspaper has had a copy of a tape showing all of this for 6 months and won't release it, and this man not only is allowed to run for President but no one cares and might actually win? And that same newspaper even goes so far as to endorse him?

What is wrong with this sick, sick country we live in?

Any Jew who votes for this person is committing suicide. And any Christian who votes for Obama is as well. And any Westerner who votes for him is an accessory to the future Holocaust. The Nazi's are gone people, the new threat has arrived and they are after the Jews and The Christians, because as far as they are concerned, we are all equally as bad. The Holocaust has taken on a whole new light.,0,5458024.story

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A gaffe of this size by any other vp in waiting....

So I hear Joe Biden say to Katie Couric "Part of what a leader does is instill confidence that he or she knows what they're talking about, that if they listen to me we can fix this....when the stock market crashed Franklin Roosevelt got onto television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed..." Of course Roosevelt wasn't the President (it was Hoover, by the way) and there wasn't TV. Did you hear about this? Can you imagine if this were Sarah Palin making these comments to Couric? There'd be SNL skits, a cover on US, TIME, Newsweek magazines, 15 headlines on the NY Times alone not to mention ABC, CBS, and NBC. Letterman would have no guests, just an hour long monologue about what you DON'T need to know to be a small town mayor and what exactly DO they learn at the University of Idaho anyway, and Bill Maher would drop dead from a heart attack from the excitement alone. But because it's good ole boy Joe, it's just fatigue, or a gaffe, or bad soda, or ... or...something...

It just makes me ill the double standard. At least be fair. Let's have some NY Times headlines about Biden's leadership qualities, his missteps. Let's have Darryl Hammond do his best Biden on the train while he misquotes Lincoln, or better yet, have Hammond pretend to plagiarize him in a speech on the Senate floor. Oh wait, I think Biden may have already done that. Or does he only plagiarize the British? I forget. I can't seem to find any recent articles on that. No NY Times headlines on Bidens tendancy to plagerize other peoples speeches or essays. Maybe Hammond can imitate Joe doing Nixon as President during WW2? Or how about Regan during Prohibition? What University did you go to Joe? How many States were YOU Governor of Joe? How many National Guards were you Commander of Joe? Do you really want this a-hole one heartbeat away from the Presidency?

Monday, October 20, 2008

WISE FROM WISDOM: Where it comes from

Most people feel a sense of superiority and intelligence in their ignorance BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THEY ARE WISE, only because they are told they are wise, NOT BECAUSE THEY HAVE GAINED ANY WISDOM. To control the knowledge is to truly have all the power. People are not well educated, just well indoctrinated. If you've read Brave New World, 1984, or Anthem by Ayn Rand than you understand that two of the common themes of these books are 1) the lack of individualism (Communism, collective society) and 2) ignorance of facts. The people (characters) are devoid of knowledge and are only given what those in charge believe they need. If one is lied to enough the lie becomes truth. Ignorance is the only path to Communism. That's why the liberals took over the education systems and the media.

My good friend Ari David, someone I highly respect, pondered:

"The problem is that an informed electorate, well informed on the facts of the issues at hand in this day and age, is critical to preserving this country's safety, prosperity and freedom. In an election year like this one, on which so much matters, it is a tragedy of immense proportion that so many well educated people just buy whole cloth the preposterous factoids the mainstream news media reports as rumor or truth and then these well informed people repeat it as gospel.”

The truth is, people believe they are informed, they believe they have facts. The news ACTS as though they are unbiased and factual. Hannity admits his bias. The 11 o'clock news does not. ABC does not. The AP does not. The people believe they are preserving America, they just don't know what America is. They don't know history, only the misinformation they were taught in school. They believe they have all the facts, but they are only armed with one side.

Here's an example: I have given facts, indisputable facts from the Center for Disease Control, the CDC, hardly a right wing think tank, to argue my point and been told that it's just right wing rhetoric. When the person I'm debating can no longer argue their point that's their out. Whatever I say, it's just right wing rhetoric. What can you do with that? These are people with MBA's, teachers, leaders, people who make over $100k per year. I have discussed abortion with people who’ve graduated Ivy League schools who didn’t know that it was legal through all 9 months, didn’t understand what partial-birth abortion was or even at what stage it was performed. But they are fed misinformation and believe they are wise. And this is our future.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I love the political season, the excitement over policy, the debates, speeches, and campaigns. Everywhere you turn there’s a sign or a bumper sticker stating what people proudly believe. Discussions range on all issues with passions overflowing at the most unlikely of places, like the grocery store, or the park, or the library. But I like to know about more than just what my future President wants for my country. There are local elections that are just as important that I monitor. As you well know, the House and Senate are more powerful at times than the executive office as current events would dictate. Which value system, which direction the country goes greatly depends on who holds the majority in those houses. Change can occur on that level as well. In my district in Texas, Chet Edwards, a Democrat, is up for reelection for a tenth term to keep his seat in the US House of Representatives. Does Chet Edwards represent me and my beliefs? Does he represent the beliefs of my family, my value system, do his votes help the country move in the direction I want it to go, or do his votes help it move in the opposite direction? This is important. Does he represent most other Texans, their values and beliefs? How exactly does Chet Edwards vote, what does he believe in? With 18 years in Congress, I had plenty to look at. Let me share with you what I discovered.

Edwards talks like a moderate but votes like a leftist. He says he’s a conservative Democrat, but his votes betray this; he ranks as a left-of-center liberal. He voted 96% of the time with his party. You may remember a little $700 billion dollar bailout bill that recently went through the house and senate. Edwards’ office received thousands upon thousands of emails and phone calls from the people he “represents”, including me, to vote no on a bill that many saw as the country moving towards socialism. Chet Edwards voted yes. The bill failed, barely. Later that same week the House got the bill back from the Senate. A few more thousand phone calls and emails later and did Mr. Edwards listen to the cries of his constituents, the people who have elected him 9 times? That Friday he voted yes, again. Hmm, that made me wary. What kind of representative doesn’t listen to the very people he is supposed to represent?

This wasn’t the first time Rep. Edwards ignored the will of the people. With 9 previous elections to look at, I realized that Edwards ran on the idea that he was just like us, profamily, pro war, patriotic, another Texan trying to make our voice heard in Washington. However, upon arriving in DC, Edwards became just another liberal. I went to a website, , a non-partisan site that simply logs votes on every political leader, as well as other sites, to see where he stands on the issues; what he does after he gets your vote. And what I discovered is there’s a reason Nancy Pelosi recommended Chet Edwards to be Barack Obama’s running mate.

Apparently, Rep. Edwards doesn’t like the idea of energy independence. He voted against offshore drilling, he voted against drilling in ANWR, and he voted NO on authorizing construction of new oil refineries.

What about the war on terror? Many of our neighbors are soldiers in Iraq, and let’s be honest; we’re more than just a little patriotic over here. He has to represent us accurately on this issue right? Well, he voted to retreat from Iraq and cut off funding for the troops and the next year he voted YES on investigating Bush, impeachment for lying about Iraq. This is a Conservative Democrat?

Ok, education. Vouchers and prayer in school, well that’s something us Texans take very seriously. Our faith plays an important role in our life, and with the corruption in the Dallas and Tarrant school districts we can all see the need for school choice. How does Chet treat this issue with his all too precious vote? He voted no on federal funding to schools allowing voluntary prayer and against school prayer during the war on terror. He voted against vouchers for private & parochial schools and against vouchers for schools in D.C.

And then there’s abortion, an issue that’s near and dear to me. I was at a fundraising gala on Tuesday night benefitting the Burleson Pregnancy Aid Center. This center has helped countless pregnant women in the area for 22 years and is well known for its pro-life stance. They announced that in attendance was Rob Curnock, Edwards’ opponent, and his wife Karen. A few moments later it was announced that a representative from Edwards’ staff was also in attendance. What do you suppose Rep. Edwards’ voting record on abortion looks like? Well, he didn’t vote along with his constituents that’s for sure, district 17 is a pro-life district. Heck, he didn’t even vote along with mainstream America. He voted twice, TWICE, not to ban partial-birth abortion. That’s right; he has no problem with partial birth abortion. He voted yes to expand and allow the completely unsuccessful embryonic stem cell research, and he wouldn’t even vote to ban human cloning for the purpose of reproductive and stem cell research. That means he thought it was fine for embryos to be created for the sole purpose of being experimented on for research. Human cloning, he thought that was just fine and dandy. He voted no on making it a crime to hurt a fetus during another crime. And this is my personal favorite, he voted NO on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info, which flies in the very face of the Burleson Aid Center, you know, the center he had a rep attend a gala for so his name would be announced after Curnocks', his opponents. He voted to make sure centers like that wouldn’t get federal funding because they don’t provide abortion information and then has the audacity to attend their gala for political purposes knowing very well that he has a 100% pro-choice voting record according to NARAL, one of the most extreme abortion groups in the country.

I’m tired of being used. I’m tired of my voice and my vote being made into a joke. I’m tired of being taken for granted, and aren’t you as well? Chet Edwards is the stereotypical politician who says whatever will get him elected than votes against those constituents when he gets to Washington, knowing that the people he represents are too busy working to keep food on the table to keep track of every move he makes. And when it comes time to campaign, he lies about what he’s done and depends on the media to either cover up his past or gloss over his part because they’re in the tank for him. Chet Edwards is anti energy independence, anti war, anti school choice, and pro-abortion in the furthest extreme. Chet Edwards doesn’t represent me; I don’t think he represents most Texans. With the full information I believe most residents of district 17 would agree.

I want someone in the House of Representatives who is an actual Representative. That’s what this country is all about. Rob Curnock believes in drilling, in energy independence, is pro-life and has always supported our troops in Iraq. Rep. Edwards hasn’t heard us for 18 years. He didn’t hear us when we called and asked him to represent us when the country was in a crisis. In November I’m going to make sure he hears by voting for Rob Curnock. I’m going to make sure that the person who sits in the House for District 17 votes for the people from district 17. I’m voting for Rob Curnock.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

(originally written on Friday, October 10, 2008)

Well, two things happened today that will ensure I get a good night sleep. With all the turmoil in the world, I’ve some trouble settling down at night. There are still terrorists out there wanting to slip into my house and slit the throats of my family, and then there are the terrorists that just want to blow everything up. There’s a financial disaster that has spread around the world, and the answer in my country is to violate every part of the Constitution that founded this nation and implement fascism by purchasing banks, not to mention the taxpayer funded bribery bill…sorry, I mean bailout bill that cost 700 billion dollars. (I didn’t even know I had $700billion lying around. Oh, did I tell you I own a part of AIG? Got it for a steal? Should start to see returns on it in a few decades. I’ll take you out to Red Lobster as soon as the windfall comes in.) Anyway, this is on top of all the other emotional things that arise when there’s an election. So again, you can see why I’ve been restless.

But tonight, tonight my friends, I can sleep well. Because today, the most important issues of the day, of the decade really, have been laid to rest. The worry that has been bubbling just on the periphery of my mind but I just couldn’t allow myself to focus on because it was too great of a cause has been tackled and justice has won handily. Whatever may happen with these other issues takes a back seat for I want to bask in the glory of the moment when at last, the world is aligned. At least for today, two wrongs have been righted. At least, for today, gay couples in Connecticut can legally get married and finally, GOD! finally that awful Sarah Palin will pay for not firing but asking that commissioner to change positions up in Alaska! I cannot tell you how long I have been waiting for these two things to be addressed! How many waking hours have been spent wondering, contemplating, the horror of living in a state where you have to get up every day, go to work, eat, play, pay bills, live your life, and for each of those moments the government of Connecticut is not recognizing your love! I know, I know, for all those years we were told that marriage is for losers, is unnecessary, or in the immortal words of Bon Jovi “I don’t need no preacher to tell me you’re mine” but apparently we were just stupid heterosexuals. It was all a joke. Marriage is THE thing now days, well, if you’re gay. Not if you’re straight. If you’re straight it’s still all the rage to live in sin and have babies out of wedlock. But if you’re gay, well let me tell you it’s just IMPOSSIBLE to get thru a MORNING without the state recognizing your love. I know the feeling well. I find it hard to even write this without doing an internet search to see if anything in my life is recognized by the state. Anyway, with everything going on, I’m just so happy the State of Connecticut took it upon themselves to solve this all so important dilemma.

As for the other, I think that damn Sarah Palin has been getting away with this corruption and abuse long enough! I mean while she was thinking of personal problems while talking to her employees she was also Ways and Means Committee Chairman writing IRS tax laws and lying on her taxes, as well as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee during the worst financial crisis we’ve ever had while her campaign received numerous kickbacks from Fannie and Freddie, AND she also served as Chairman of the
Senate Banking Committee while getting kickbacks and being Fannie and Freddie’s number 1 campaign recipient! I’m just glad they rushed to investigate her so quickly!! During these perilous times, it makes me feel good to know that our resources, and the focus of the media, is on the people in the government who are committing acts of corruption and fraud, and who are abusing their power. The public servants such as governors, senators, and members of congress work for us and are to be held accountable and to a higher standard. And in this perilous time it’s so heartening to know that the wheels of justice are swift and furious. This heinous act (not so much the threat of firing a commissioner that she didn’t get along with and she had every right to fire but the demand that he stop being such a jerk) is appalling and should be sanctioned at every opportunity. I believe that every employer should be forced to work with anyone they don’t like, especially holdovers of the prior administration. It’s sad that she was found not guilty of actually doing anything wrong, just guilty of possibly thinking of the wrong thing when she lawfully executed her lawful right to ask an employee to change positions because he didn’t fit in the one he was in and was an ass, refused, and then resigned when in fact she had the lawful right to actually fire said employee for any reason such as, oh, I don’t know, wearing white shoes after Labor Day. And that her husband, the bastard, had the gall to talk on the phone in her office to the commissioner and ask him to maybe, if he had the time, ask one of his guys to please stop trying to kill his father-in-law. I am ecstatic that so much time and energy was spent investigating what was already being investigated and that such a thorough job was completed so quickly! And by a panel of bipartisan people who have absolutely no power whatsoever but sure can yell real loud! And that the media was right there for every moment!

Because without them, I might have missed that fact that it was actually Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel who is the Ways and Means Committee Chairman that lied on his taxes and has yet to be investigated and is in fact still the chairman, that it is Democrat Rep. Barney Frank who was, and still is, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and has yet to be investigated, and that it is Democrat Senator Chris Dodd who was, and still is, Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and has yet to be investigated.

But I have faith in our Country. I know that all of these issues will be taken care of and all of these people will be investigated. Eventually. There were just more important things to do first. And I for one will sleep well knowing that at least we have our priorities straight.